26 Quotes About Exterior
- Author Andrew Durbin
Exterior: the jungle. Interior: Dark night of the white man’s soul.
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- Author David Elías Cotos Espinoza
La belleza exterior, la puedes encontrar en cualquier lado, hoy en día las cirugías abundan. Más la belleza interior, siendo más importante, es la que menos abunda.
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- Author comelitearch
Why use an Interior Designer? Interior design is the art of enhancing interiors of home, hotel, and restaurant. CAS specializes in the design of restaurants and hotels with studios in London. Our team is passionate about creating exciting and unique interiors. Contact us:-Tel: +442032902440
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- Author Nordstelo
la búsqueda de respuestas en el exterior nunca estará completa sin una búsqueda paralela en nuestro interior, para así reconocer las deficiencias inherentes a nuestra condición humana y los efectos que causan en nuestra percepción.
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- Author Emilio Lledó
Comprender es asumir el lenguaje propio —nuestra identificación desde el lenguaje conocido, el lenguaje que somos— con el de la «nueva» proposición. Ver con los ojos de «nuestras» palabras los conceptos de las ajenas.
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- Author comelitearch
Restaurant interior design is very essential, and can impact the way clients feel about the restaurant before they have even eaten there. More and more people are dining out, and the choice of different restaurants places to be had is big.Tel: +442032902440E-mail: info@comelite-arch.com
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- Author Victoria de los Angeles
But I have never wanted to be a singer, because the exterior part of a career, I don't like very much.
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- Author Victoria de los Angeles
I like what it is to sing, or to be with the others singing, to make music, but the fuss and all the things that are the exterior part of a career, has never interested me.
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- Author William Cowper
Happiness depends, as Nature shows, Less on exterior things than most suppose
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