76 Quotes About Extra-mile


"To avoid surprises later, spend enough time to know people initially. Don't just ask the obvious. Go the extra mile... Be creative and unconventional..."


"Tradition is the code that keeps change in lock. If you refuse change, you are likely to rust and guess the cause; that long held way of doing things."


"Make it a promise to be all that you must be. When you dream of reaching the 100th step; take the 99th as the beginning of your journey and you will go beyond the 101st!"


"Don't be afraid to go that extra mile for someone special, because that person will go the extra mile for you."


"Do the most difficult thing if that is what will pay you. Dust the Rust if you Must. Success never comes with ease."


"Leave the talking for others and live by walking. Go, go and go extra mile and you will be a true owner of what belongs to you"
