904 Quotes About Face
- Author Karen Quan
My doctors asked what was wrong when they found me pale faced and lifeless. I told them I spent an immense amount of time stuDYING.
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- Author Ayn Rand
His features had the fine precision of sculpture. His hair was black and straight, swept back. The suntan of his skin intensified the startling color of his eyes: they were a pure, clear blue. His face was open, its rapid changes of expression reflecting whatever he felt, as if he had nothing to hide. The blue eyes were still and changeless, never giving a hint of what he thought.
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- Author Ayn Rand
She was looking at his face; it was the face she had known...There was no sign of tragedy, no bitterness, no tension—only the radiant mockery, matured and stressed, the look of dangerously unpredictable amusement, and the great, guiltless serenity of spirit.
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- Author Jan Jansen Easy Branches
our Face Will be our Betrayer on the Long Run
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- Author Ayn Rand
She liked his face—its lines were tight and firm, it did not have that look of loose muscles evading the responsibility of a shape, which she had learned to expect in people’s faces.
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- Author Alexandra Bracken
If he was hoping to read some clue in my face, he was going to be disappointed; I'd spent the better part of last six years schooling my expression. Whatever he suspected couldn't have been the truth.
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- Author Jimmy Santiago Baca
I am a face in a trance, evoking duende. My face imbues breath and stuns you with star-spirit. I am grove-face, story-teller face, and dawn-bringer face. A face as common as carrots and celery, called upon as a father to be cook, waiter, servant, and maid.
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- Author Filipe Russo
Me levantei assustada sobre a cama, buscando minhas feições com as mãos e ali já aliviada encontrei a face com a qual me mascaro.
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- Author Filipe Russo
Um cansaço de piscina pousou sobre meu nariz cobrindo minha face com suas asas alienígenas.
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