275 Quotes About Fake-people


"Society has become so fake that the truth actually bothers people."


"Life is beautiful mess...and I am tangled...though I am the spider but a stupid one. Cheap I am by name, views and actions."


"If you're going to have to rehearse a lie you better be a good actor."


"Feigned interest is worse than brutal honesty."


"The more inhuman we became the more we understood each other as humans."


"Some humans spend their whole lives making something that isn’t real look like something that is."


"E atat de dificil sa fii si sensibila, si mandra. Ca sa nu suferi trebuie sa fii sau una, sau alta. Nu, in orice caz, si una, si alta."


"When you meet new people and you notice they gossip about people behind their backs just imagine what they say about you behind yours."


"Blind people are the best audience; they will be treated according to the formula; it’s easy to excite them; it’s easy to wake them up from a dream in which they dull, mute and helpless, await excitement—another product of the plastic reality, another star-studded name."
