181 Quotes About Falsehood

  • Author Mark Lawrence
  • Quote

    I'm a good liar. A great one. And to be a great liar you have to live your lies, to believe them, to the point that when you tell them to yourself enough times, even what's right before your eyes will bend itself to the falsehood.

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  • Author Baltasar Gracián
  • Quote

    Look beneath the surface. Things are usually very different from how they initially appeared, and ignorance, which didn't look beneath the surface, turns to disillusion when it penetrates to the interior. Falsehood always arrives first; it drags along fools with their endless vulgarity. Truth always arrives last, and late, limping along with Time.

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  • Author Bashar
  • Quote

    It's so important to identify beliefs.Because once you identify [a negative belief], once you bring it into the light, you will see it doesn't belong to you:- That it came from your parents; - It came from your family;- It came from your society; - It came from your friends.And you bought into it. But it isn't yours.Holding on to something that isn't yours is called theft.Don't be a belief thief!Let go of what isn't yours.

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