6,395 Quotes About Fantasy
- Author Leigh Bardugo
Te lo prometo, Matthias. Te llevaré a casa. —Nina —dijo él, presionando la mano de ella sobre su corazón—. Ya estoy en casa.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
Entonces, una mano cálida y encallecida tomó la suya por debajo de la mesa. Volviéndose a mirar, Celaena descubrió que Chaol la contemplaba. El capitán esbozó una pequeña sonrisa y la joven supo que su propio caballero había comprendido. Celaena miró a su capitán y sonrió a su vez.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
But then a warm, calloused hand grasped hers beneath the table, and she turned her head to find Chaol looking at her. He smiled slightly—and she knew he understood.So Celaena looked at her Captain of the Guard and smiled back
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
Había aprendido la única habilidad que podía mantenerla con vida. Para huir de la muerte, se había convertido en la muerte misma.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Tatrini watched Tayven and Rav outside, as they sat on the lawn: a picture of contentment and innocence.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Before the year was out, she would change the known world, but it would look as if others’ hands were responsible.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Family closeness was not an attribute that could be applied to the Malagashes.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Of all her sons, only Bayard and Leo had remained intimate with her. They were her golden boys.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Did the sight of Tayven kindle old memories? Perhaps he was sad to see Tayven had grown from a beautiful fey boy into a man. It could remind him of his own mortality. When Tayven had first gone into Almorante’s service, the prince had been little more than a boy himself.
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