6,395 Quotes About Fantasy
- Author Storm Constantine
Dressed as man, and with all the poise of someone at least six years older, he had learned quickly from his Magravandian classmates.
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- Author Storm Constantine
He wanted to suceed in life, at whatever cost.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Our roles should be reversed. You’d thrive on this.
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- Author Storm Constantine
In Caradore, Merlan might be regarded as precocious, a prodigy perhaps, but one that needed to be kept in his place. Not here. The Magravandians were aware of the boy’s talent and intellect.
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- Author Storm Constantine
He is an effete hedonist, with pretensions to power. He has far too little self-control to ever have it. He is a great one for foot-stamping, and always has been. Mother has indulged him, of course, which hasn’t helped. He is the gilded one, the pretty one. Our father barely acknowledges his existence.
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- Author Storm Constantine
The song changed, became more conventional, and the words burned into Khaster’s mind. Could they possibly be addressed to him? The song was about the stupidity and waste of self-hatred, about realizing the wonder of life, becoming free from fear and misery.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Ah, Khaster, do you not see? It is up to you entirely how you react to this. That is your control over the outcome.
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- Author Storm Constantine
Tayven would be good for you. He possesses rare qualities. He could heal you utterly. Just his light, his presence. He is a balm to me, but I am not a greedy man. He does not love me as a lover should, nor I him. Yet he deserves love. He has so much to give.
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- Author Storm Constantine
The depth of their relationship was indicated by how Tayven pulled a sour face at him. They were like brothers.
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