73 Quotes About Fatherless-homes
- Author Charlena E. Jackson
Father of the fatherless children, you are missing out on so many memories that would be cherished for a lifetime.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
Dear Fathers of the Fatherless Children, The Chief Guardian is filled with amazing, unbelievable strength, perseverance, and wisdom. She is powerful, she is the disciplinarian, she is a survivor, she is victorious – and most importantly, she is a mother.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
Fathers of the fatherless sons and daughters, How can your lips form words and blame the single mother? You should be thanking her for raising your children without a single helping hand from you.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
Fathers of the fatherless children, I label you all as “Identity Thieves” because you all have caused a crime; your crime is robbing your children of happiness, feeling loved by you, and not giving them the opportunity to love you in return.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
Fathers of the fatherless children, your revolving doors mold your children’s emotional identity for life.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
The fathers of the fatherless children are so good at playing the “blame game.” They blame the single mother for everything, and they never attempt to do a thing.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
Dear Fathers of the Fatherless Children, Heads of households nowadays are being run by a healthy percentage of Chief Guardians. The Chief Guardian takes up multiple roles and wears many hats. She’s a leader and a groundbreaker. As she makes her struggles appear effortless, so she can gain strength to survive the next minute of the day.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
Father of the fatherless children, you are a sorry excuse for a man.
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- Author Charlena E. Jackson
The fathers of the fatherless children are the ones who abandon and neglect their sons and daughters. They are not held responsible for their part in regards to helping raise their children. Where is the justice for our sons and daughters? Father of the fatherless children, you are a sorry excuse for a man.
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