54 Quotes About Female-beauty
"Females in general are embodiment of alluring mysteries that is beyond mortal capacity to decipher or understand."
"I’m turned on by women who are comfortable in their own skin; and I’m turned off by those who are uncomfortable in their own shoes."
"...whenever in my life I have gazed too long upon Beauty, particularly the beauty of the female, I have always experienced the sensation of fear. Fear, and a touch of horror too."
"There is nothing more stimulating to the senses than that of a female body freshly emerged from a steaming hot shower, bathed in oils and feminine scents... well nothing except maybe a freshly opened package of chocolate double-stuffed Oreos."
"Yes, Lilian Earton was a large woman. She was fat. There was no other word for it. But at the same time, there was something indefinable about her. Was it an inner light? A sparkle in her eyes? The way she spoke and moved and made things move around her? The man couldn’t have said exactly. He didn’t know the word “charisma,” but that was exactly what she had. She had personality that no layers of fat could hide. She was impressive."
"That boorish man stole colour from a maiden's cheek to redden his ardour. She, with her prancing panther's gait and proud, undulating beauty, revelled in her existence and left him foolishly in her wake."
"There is nothing more attractive than confidence, once she sees her own beauty, everyone else will."
"Her stomach rumbled, and Lily wondered how many calories her diplomacy had burned."
"Le sens de la toilette féminine est manifest: il s'agit de se 'parer' et se parer c'est s'offrir; les feministes hétérosexuelles se sont montrées naguère sur ce point aussi intransiseantes que les lesbiennes: elles refusaient de faire d'elles-même une marchandise qu'on exhibem elles adoptaient des tailleurs et des feutres secs; les robes ornées, décolletées leurs semblaient le symbole de l'ordre social qu'elles combattaient."