48 Quotes About Firearms


"Guns don't make the society safe, any more than nukes ensure world peace."


"Muzzle control has to be a religion. You cannot point that weapon at one of your brothers-or yourself. Know where you barrel is at all times, and know the condition of your weapon-loaded or unloaded, bolt forward or to the rear, round in the chamber or not, safety on or off. Keep your finger off the trigger unless you're going to kill something."


"In a functional civilized society built on the premise of peace, guns belong only in the hands of combat personnel, not in the hands of regular civilians, not in the hands of politicians, not even in the hands of billionaires."


"The masses with firearms are like newborns with knives."


"Owning a gun doesn't increase civilian security, it only threatens it, thus making it far more difficult for law enforcement to ensure public safety."


"Law enforcement exists to ensure the safety of the public, but if the public are primitive enough to think that all they need to ensure their safety is a personal firearm, then we better destroy all things civilized and head back to the jungle, because a society where anybody can own a gun is not a society, but a jungle anyways."


"The constitution has the luxury to make mistakes, it's just a book - not civilized humans."


"Guns are not the problem, the problem is our fetish with guns."
