241 Quotes About Flight
- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Durante il fragoroso decollo Dick si sentì intorpidito, rendendosi conto di quanto fosse stanco. Un’enorme persuasiva tranquillità s’impossessò di lui, e lasciò la malattia ai malati, il rumore ai motori, la direzione ai piloti.
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- Author Wilbur Wright
By the death of Mr. O. Chanute the world has lost one whose labors had to an unusual degree influenced the course of human progress. If he had not lived the entire history of progress in flying would have been other than it has been.
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- Author Moonshine Noire
I could be the drumbeat in your chest like madness before a storm swirling restlessly.
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- Author Curtis Tyrone Jones
Sometimes the amateur pilot must step into obnoxious levels of confidence, until the stomach adjusts to its new seat in the cockpit.
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- Author Curtis Tyrone Jones
The weight of your baggage never stops true love from taking flight.
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- Author Curtis Tyrone Jones
If you really wanna fly, learn to befriend the winds.
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- Author Katie Cross
She advanced into the chaos of light and darkness.
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- Author Michael Cunningham
The secret of flight is this -- you have to do it immediately, before your body realizes it is defying the laws.
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- Author J.R. Rim
Flying starts from the ground. The more grounded you are, the higher you fly.
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