89 Quotes About Flood
- Author Joseph L. Arnold
Since1936, Congress has authorized the Corps of Engineers to construct hundreds of miles of levees, flood walls, and channel improvements and approximately 375 major reservoirs. These remarkable engineering projects today comprise one of the largest single additions to the nation’s physical plant - rivaled only by the highway system.
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- Author Joseph L. Arnold
Despite the long history of severe flooding by the nation’s rivers in the 19th century, Congress passed no legislation that was directly and openly aimed at flood control until 1917 and undertook no nationwide flood control program until 1936.
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- Author Obayed Haq
নদী সন্ন্যাসী ভিক্ষুকের মত মানুষের উঠানে গিয়ে উঠেছে, চাইলেও কেউ এই আপদ বিদায় করতে পারছেনা। কিছু না নিয়ে সে ক্ষান্ত হবেনা। সন্ন্যাসীকে এক মুঠো চাল দিয়ে বিদায় করা যায়, কিন্তু নদী কী চায়? প্রাণ? ছানি পড়া বৃদ্ধের চোখের মত ঘোলা পানি, কোথাকার মাটি যেন খেয়ে এসেছে।
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- Author Steve Maraboli
I always thought they were a God-send; and they were... But then again, so was the Great Flood.
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- Author Matthew Salesses
She was one of her kind, the most American she would ever be, the last American left in this hundred-year flood.
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- Author Wayne Allard
If this is to become a perpetual government program, like flood insurance, the industry should be honest about it.
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- Author Brooke Bingaman
Since it's just cresting over the flood stage, it's minor flooding that we're forecasting. You probably don't need a canoe, but it's probably wise to move vehicles out of the area.
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- Author Eugene Brezany
In the possibility that there is going to be severe weather, one has to listen to their local jurisdiction with regard to what they would do anyplace else if they were living in a flood plain and if they need to evacuate, they need to evacuate.
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- Author Jean Baker
Soon as that opens, the flood gates open,
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