28 Quotes About Folktales
- Author Keith McGowan
I love children. Eating them, that is.
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- Author Cedar McCloud
Gathering eir courage, e bowed and placed the basket of honey and fine handspun yarns at the witch's feet.'I know who you are and what you seek,' the witch said in a deep melodious voice. 'It is inside my home. Take your cloak and go inside. When you find what you want, you will know the price you must pay.
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- Author Michael O'Leary
In Sussex, if it's not the Devil that makes an appearance, then it's likely to be a dragon.
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- Author Kailin Gow
Fairies or Fae or Fey are Magical Creatures entrenched into the folklore of Chinese Culture as old as the Dragon. - Kailin Gow on Asian Fairy Tales and Folklore TV Series
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- Author Sindiwe Magona
Central to the stories in which people featured, was the bond of love with the concomitants: duty, obedience, responsibility, honor, and orderliness; always orderliness. Like the seasons of the year, life was depicted full of cause and effect, predictability and order; connectedness and oneness.
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- Author Robert Dunbar
They spring from deep within us, these nightmares, these folktales. They speak of our deepest needs, the ones we have all been taught since childhood never to put into words, because dreams reveal our other face, the one we keep hidden, the Hyde to mankind’s collective Jekyll.
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- Author Emmanuelle de Maupassant
We are the voices in the shadows,Between the light and shade,Betwixt life and restful death,In the dark periphery of the unseen.We’re here, At the edges. We are the villainous punished,The innocent murdered or abandoned,Our lives ended by foul means, or unspeakable deeds.We are your lovers long gone; your siblings forsaken.Can you hear us?At the edgesFrom the Foreword of Cautionary Tales - by Emmanuelle de Maupassant
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- Author Emmanuelle de Maupassant
Here, at the edges,Whispering to you,And we’re not alone; not aloneHere, in the dark.We are behind the door, in the corners,In the room where you’ve just extinguished the light.We flicker in the shadow you cast on the wall.We are the prickle on the back of your neck.Curled, in words unspoken,We are the shiver on your uneasy flesh,The creep of the unknown on your skin.Can you feel us?Here, at the edges.From the Foreword of Cautionary Tales - by Emmanuelle de Maupassant
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- Author Emmanuelle de Maupassant
Good and evil exist in all of us. a moment’s temptation takes us on a wrong path. On that path may lurk foul fiends,inhuman, yet feeding, needingall our weaknesses: vanity, indolence and envy,Easy fruits for evil appetites,our flesh, a tasty afterthought,our bones flung asunder.
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