466 Quotes About Follow


"This trail is never-changing, it won’t lead you astray. It won’t always be easy to follow and at times it will look too narrow for your paws. Follow it anyway, and you’ll overcome every challenge you face.” -Faolan"


"You keep your followers confused when you begin very well and give up too early... Suspense is useful in movies, but useless when writing your success stories!"


"If you know your purpose on earth and follow it so well, you will be ready to serve and save the world."


"To live in peace is to follow peace with all men"


"It Follows, can become a great story....So far the "Clown", is awesome it shows something incredible..."


"Each one of us has something great to offer to the world. To find that out, all we need to do is to listen to our conscience and follow our passion."


"When people like the path you walk and the style you walk in that path, they will start following you!"
