36 Quotes About Food-love
"You can be miserable before you have a cookie and you can be miserable after you eat a cookie but you can't be miserable while you are eating a cookie."
"See that's what people don't get about food. It's never the food, it's the love that goes into making it. That's what's important."
"Electra Gates would never concern herself with how much lard should be in pie dough, I thought; but then, I was not Electra Gates. I wanted pie, something that didn't seem to interest romantic heroines."
"I suppose there are people who can pass up free guacamole, but they're either allergic to avocado or to joyless to live."
"Prosperity consists of two things: tea after a meal, and a cigarette after tea."
"No one was the least bit hungry any more, but that is precisly what is so good abut the moment devoted to pastries: they can be only appreciated to their full extent of their subtley when they are not eaten to assauge our hunger, when the orgy of their sugary sweetness is not destined to fll some primary need but to coat our palate with all the benevolence of the world."
"Non ricordo di preciso quando, ma avevo deciso che un giorno sarei diventata una cuoca professionista. Cucinare, nella mia vita, era come un fuggevole arcobaleno che affiorava nella penombra."