52 Quotes About Foreign-language

  • Author Rebecca Serle
  • Quote

    They say language comes better to people who are right-brained, but I'm not so sure. I think you need a certain looseness, a certain fluidity, to speak another language. To take all the words in your brain and turn them over, one by one, like stones - and find something else scrolled on the underside

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  • Author Jhumpa Lahiri
  • Quote

    Dopo aver trascorso un anno a Roma torno per un mese in America. Lì, subito, sento la mancanza dell'italiano. Non poterlo parlare e ascoltare ogni giorno mi angoscia. Quando vado nei ristoranti, nei negozi, in spiaggia, m'infastidisco: come mai la gente non parla italiano? Provo un sentimento di nostalgia struggente.

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  • Author Semezdin Mehmedinović
  • Quote

    Whenever I'm in the company of strangers and speak in a way that reveals my Slav accent, the question follows: "Where are you from?" I always reply politely. It's very important to me that I say exactly where I'm from, and explain where that place is in case the person I'm talking to has never hears of my country ("in Europe, near Italy"). I suppose that's the need in me to feel accepted for what I am.

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  • Author John von Sothen
  • Quote

    The reason fluency isn’t a given is that life isn’t fair. The classroom can only take you so far. There’s preseason and regular season, and players of all sports will tell you, the speed’s just not the same.

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  • Author Dorota Terakowska
  • Quote

    Niczego nie rozumiesz, a niewiele czujesz. Nie będę próbował ci tego tłumaczyć, bo zrozumienie jest ponad twoje możliwości. Trzymasz się kurczowo tego, co zapisano w księgach, lecz przecież w księgach nie zapisano wszystkiego. Każdy pomijał to, co mu było niewygodne, lub palił księgę, uznaną przez siebie za heretycką, choć dla innych była księgą świętą. Ludzie są omylni i słabi.

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