101 Quotes About Foreshadowing

  • Author L.H. Leonard
  • Quote

    An ember burns crimson beneath the black coals. A fire left for dead, forgotten. I crouch and cup my hands. I remember its promise. In the rush of my breath, the ember glows brighter. It remembers, too.

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  • Author Marilynne Robinson
  • Quote

    To crave and to have are as like as a thing and its shadow. For when does a berry break upon the tongue as sweetly as when one longs to taste it, and when is the taste refracted into so many hues and savors of ripeness and earth, and when do our senses know any thing so utterly as when we lack it? And here again is a foreshadowing -- the world will be made whole. For to wish for a hand on one's hair is all but to feel it. So whatever we may lose, very craving gives it back to us again.

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  • Author William Golding
  • Quote

    The boys were dancing. The pile was so rotten, and now so tinder-dry, that whole limbs yielded passionately to the yellow flames that poured upwards and shook a great beards of flame twenty feet in the air. For yards round the fire the heat was like a blow, and the breeze was a river of sparks. Trunks crumbled to a white dust.

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