48 Quotes About Frankly

  • Author Margot Lester
  • Quote

    It talks very frankly about evaluating your motives for doing this, whether or not you're just postponing reality.

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  • Author Sergei Lavrov
  • Quote

    Frankly speaking, we don't see any other way for the steady development of the Ukrainian state apart from as a federation.

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  • Author Chris Moller
  • Quote

    Frankly it does not sit very comfortably with us because we are raising this issue for the very valid reasons we have outlined.

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  • Author Kenneth R. Miller
  • Quote

    All too often, the word 'religion' has become identified with those promoting a frankly anti-scientific view of nature and of our place in the natural world.

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  • Author Roger McNamee
  • Quote

    I think what we've seen is a phase shift on Wall Street. And frankly investors are looking for a reason to sell.

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  • Author Harvey Pitt
  • Quote

    I frankly think every one of them who's responsible ... should do hard time for their crimes,

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  • Author Lewis Platt
  • Quote

    We think it's going to thrust us into a position of real leadership that frankly we haven't been in before in this market,

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  • Author Andy Roddick
  • Quote

    If I'm being honest, I think I'd be good at television; I just don't know if I am interested, because you are kind of geographically responsible to a location, and frankly I don't know if I retired from tennis so that I could sit around tennis tournaments 12 hours a day.

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