126 Quotes About Free-market
- Author Harry Browne
A free and prosperous society has no fear of anyone entering it. But a welfare state is scared to death of every poor person who tries to get in and every rich person who tries to get out.
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- Author Ludwig von Mises
He who is unfit to serve his fellow citizens wants to rule them.
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- Author Isabel Paterson
Trade and money, which go together in a stream of energy, inevitably wash away the enclosing walls of a society of status.
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- Author Peter D. Schiff
I don't want the technology of the 1950s, but I want the free market of the 1950s.
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- Author Frédéric Bastiat
The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable.
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- Author Hippolyte Taine
Not only does the State do the work badly on a domain not its own, bunglingly, at greater cost, and with less fruit than spontaneous organizations, but, again, through the legal monopoly which it deems its prerogative, or through the overwhelming competition which it exercises, it kills or paralyzes these natural organizations or prevents their birth; and hence so many precious organs, which, absorbed, atropic or abortive, are lost to the great social body.
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- Author Milton Friedman
I think that the Internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government.
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- Author Henry Steele Commager
A free society cherishes nonconformity. It knows that from the non-conformist, from the eccentric, have come many of the great ideas of freedom. A free society fertilizes the soil in which non-conformity and dissent and individualism can grow.
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- Author John Steinbeck
I wanta buy stuff. Stuff I don't need... Stuff settin' out there, you jus' feel like buyin' it whether you need it or not.-Uncle John
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