171 Quotes About Freedom-of-expression


"Look, I don't see why bad artists - I mean artists who are obviously incompetent... - why they should be presented hypocritically as good artists just because they're supposed to be advancing the frontiers of freedom of expression or... ...demonstrating that there should be no limit on subject matter."


"Ideas are like water. They begin as a drip, which can pool and overflow to form a gentle stream. The stream meanders to a babbling brook or leads into a speedy tributary. This can journey to a raging river and that in time ventures to the unconquerable ocean. Some waters and ideas cannot be stopped."


"I noticed something peculiar when thinking about freedom. Everyone wants it but less are willing to extend the same freedoms to everyone. Seems inconsistent to me."


"Any sensible human being who has traveled a bit around the world knows that freedom is a myth that doesn’t exist anywhere. They would realize that the red lines and different forms of oppression, though change from one place to another, they actually do exist everywhere based on who is in power."


"Freedom is more about knowing your boundaries than to have no boundaries at all."


"The time has come, to stand up and to defy.Its our life, our choices, how long can they deny?The time has come, not to believe in every lie.Not to follow every rule, without asking why.The time has come, not to ignore as others cry.Or soon, very soon, it will be our turn to die.The time has come, not to turn a blind eye. Because once lost, freedom is hard to come by."
