594 Quotes About French
- Author Marty Bisson milo
parce que je suis magique,Et que tu est ma pierre precieuse
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- Author Catherine Cusset
On tombait amoureux d'un corps et d'un visage, oui, mais d'un corps qui bougeait, qui avait une grâce et une allure, et d'un visage qui vous regardait, qui vous souriait : on tombait amoureux d'une énergie ou d'un esprit qui irradiait par ces gestes, ces yeux ou ce sourire.
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- Author Romain Gary
(...) il fallait séparer nos souffles, s'écarter, s'espacer, se lever, se dédoubler, et c'est toujours autant de perdu. Quand on a deux corps, il vient des moments où l'on est à moitié.- Est-ce que je suis envahissante?- Terriblement, lorsque tu n'es pas là.
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- Author Jean Genet
It was therefore natural for me to imagine what his penis would be if he smeared it for my benefit with so fine a substance, with that precious cobweb, a tissue which I secretly called the veil of the palace.
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- Author S.S. Barry
Kristina leans closer, pressing her lips against Adrienne’s, giving her a soft kiss. While it is the French who are known for being bold, Adrienne wonders if this is how Americans say thank-you.
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- Author Sniper
Tu peux marcher sur mon cœur car mon cœur est à tes pieds.
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- Author Chila Woychik
I wish I could say he was a French professor, a French chef, or even a bilingual tutor, but I can’t. He worked in a factory and spent his summer evenings at a reenactment village as a blacksmith or something equally masculine. But it didn’t really matter. He was the kind of man I had dreamt of, one who could bring a touch of the exotic to my small-town existence. (No doubt he would make love as passionately as he spoke French.)
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- Author Alyssa Moon
I am quite tired of these old things. Nothing new. Nothing fresh. Nothing...fantastique!
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- Author Tahir Shah
The very fact that a Frenchman was prepared, after tow minutes of conversation, to be so friendly towards anyone, especially one who had come from England, made me restless.
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