86 Quotes About Fury

  • Author Chris Adrian
  • Quote

    She had spent the majority of her days in some sort of a tizzy and had developed over the course of her life a tizzy repertoire of abundant variety, from the black depressive tizzy to the anxious weepy tizzy to the more traditional furious tizzy, which almost always involved projectiles.

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  • Author László Krasznahorkai
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    But nothing could assuage the unconscious fury of our new and tragic understanding, our sense of having been cheated, our fear, for, however we looked for it, we could not find a fit object for our disgust and despair, and so we attacked everything in our way with an equal and infinite passion…

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  • Author Tea Cooper
  • Quote

    He hadn't dreamed the look of fury on her face nor the harsh words she'd spoken, not allowing him the opportunity to explain.The picture of her simple beauty, loose-limbed grace, and blatant fury shimmered before him. So far removed from any other female he'd ever come across. The outrage rippling through her, so intense it radiated like heat from her body. Her eyes flashing, no sign of fear for herself. He hadn't wanted her to flee. He wanted to know more.

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  • Author Jordi Balaguer
  • Quote

    —¡¿Me buscabais?!—Así es, Gryal Ibori.—¡Pues aquí me tenéis! —gritó furioso, con el alma ardiente y la voz quebrada. Estaba cansado de todo y de todos. Sólo quería ver a Lorette, reunirse con ella y estar a su lado.Y corrió hacia sus enemigos, como un león herido y rodeado, como un hombre que sólo tiembla por frío y sólo llora por amor. Su capa negra se deslizó en el viento, cual triste bandera, y Gryal cortó el aire con su espada ensangrentada.

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