25 Quotes About Geisha

  • Author Arthur Golden
  • Quote

    But really, would Yoroido seem any less exotic if I went back there again? As a young girl I believed my life would never have been a struggle if Mr. Tanaka hadn't torn me away from my tipsy house. But now I know that our world is no more permanent than a wave rising on the ocean. Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper.

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  • Author Lesley Downer
  • Quote

    Le geishe erano danzatrici, musiciste e conversatrici che occupavano una specifica nicchia nei massimi livelli della società nipponica. Non erano assolutamente prostitute, né di alto né di basso bordo.

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  • Author Arthur Golden
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    Quali siano stati i nostri conflitti e i nostri trionfi, per quanto indelebile sia il segno che questi abbiano potuto lasciare su di noi, finiscono sempre per stemperarsi come una tinta ad acquerello su un foglio di carta.

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  • Author Rob Marshall
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    I think there are many misperceptions about what geisha are, especially in the West,

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  • Author Zhang Ziyi
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    From my opinion, geisha means a woman skilled in the arts. Like dancing, singing and playing musical instruments,

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