288 Quotes About Gender-roles

  • Author Arlie Hochschild
  • Quote

    The workplace would allow parents to work part time, to share jobs, to take personal leaves to give birth, tend to a sick child, or care for a well one. As Delores Hayden has envisioned in Redesigning the American Dream, it would include affordable housing closer to places of work and perhaps community-based meal and laundry services.

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  • Author Simone de Beauvoir
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    Dès l'origine de l'humanité, leur privilège biologique a permis aux mâles de s'affirmer seuls comme sujets souverains; ils n'ont jamais abdiqué ce privilège (...) Condamnée à jouer le rôle de l'Autre, la femme était aussi condamnée à ne posséder qu'une puissance précaire: esclave ou idole ce n'est jamais elle qui a choisi son lot.

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  • Author Simone de Beauvoir
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    Cette impuissance physique se traduit par une timidité plus générale: elle ne croit pas á une force qu'elle n'a pas expérimentée dans son corps; elle n'ose pas entreprendrem se révolter, inventer: vouée à la docilité, à la résignation, elle ne peut qu'accepter dans la société une place toute faite.

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  • Author Aristophanes
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    Chorus of old men: If we give them the least hold over us, 'tis all up! their audacity will know no bounds! We shall see them building ships, and fighting sea-fights like Artemisia; nay if they want to mount and ride as cavalry, we had best cashier the knights, for indeed women excel in riding, and have a fine, firm seat for the gallop. Just think of all those squadrons of Amazons Micon has painted for us engaged in hand-to-hand combat with men.

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  • Author E. Annie Proulx
  • Quote

    For Archie was an expert in dividing the affairs of life into men's business and women's business. An empty cupboard and a full plate were the man's business, a full cupboard and an empty plate the concern of the woman.

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