38 Quotes About Genus-species

Genus-species Quotes By Author

  • Author Holly Ringland
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    Yellow bellsMeaning: Welcome to a strangerGeleznowia verrucosa | Western AustraliaA small shrub with great yellow flowers. Sun loving, drought tolerant and requiring a well-drained soil. Will grow in a little shade, but sun for most of the day is essential. Makes a wonderful cut flower, although fickleness in propagation and seed germination make this a rare plant.

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  • Author Holly Ringland
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    Blue pincushionMeaning: I mourn your absenceBrunonia australis | All states and territoriesA perennial found in woodlands, open forests and sand plains. Medium to deep blue flowers usually in spring, in hemispherical clusters on a tall stem. Can be difficult to establish. May die after a few years.

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  • Author Holly Ringland
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    Blue lady orchidMeaning: Consumed by loveThelymitra crinita | Western AustraliaPerennial spring-flowering orchid. Flowers are intensely blue and form a delicate star shape. Does not need a bushfire to stimulate flowering, but can be smothered by other vegetation, so periodic burns to restrict taller-growing shrubs are beneficial.

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  • Author Holly Ringland
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    Sturt's desert peaMeaning: Have courage, take heartSwainsona formosa | Inland Australia Malukuru (Pit.) are famous for distinctive blood-red, leaf-like flowers, each with a bulbous black centre, similar to a kangaroo's eye. A striking sight in the wild: a blazing sea of red. Bird-pollinated and thrives in arid areas, but very sensitive to any root disturbance, which makes it difficult to propagate.

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  • Author Tea Cooper
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    Clustered everywhere were low-growing bushes covered in dazzling pink flowers and above them the yellow of the wattle."Boronia ledifolia."How personable and attentive he was, with his ruffled hair and a half smile of amusement hovering on his lips. "I'm sorry?""The pink bushes, and above us Acacia, and those big red flowers over there."She turned and gazed at the densely packed red flowers bright as Indian rubies against the bush. "Waratah Telopea.

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  • Author Holly Ringland
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    SpinifexMeaning: Dangerous pleasuresTriodia | Central Australia Tjanpi (Pit.) is a tough, spiky grass dominating much of Australia's interior red sand country, thriving on the poorest, most arid soils the desert has to offer. Tussock-forming, its roots go deep, often as far down as three meters. Certain types are used by Anangu to make a resin adhesive.

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  • Author Holly Ringland
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    Cootamundra wattleMeaning: I wound to healAcacia baileyana | New South WalesGraceful tree with fern-like foliage and bright golden-yellow globe-shaped flower heads. Adaptable, hardy evergreen, easy to grow. Profuse flowering in winter. Heavily fragrant and sweetly scented. Produces abundant pollen, favored for feeding bees in the production of honey.

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  • Author Holly Ringland
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    Honey grevilleaMeaning: ForesightGrevillea eriostachya | Inland Australia Kaliny-kalinypa (Pitjantjatjara) is a straggly shrub with long narrow silver-green leaves that produces bright green, yellow and orange flowers. Commonly grows on red sandhills and dunes. The flowers contain thick, honey-like nectar, which can be sucked from the flowers; a favorite treat for Anangu children.

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