325 Quotes About German

  • Author Kurt Vonnegut
  • Quote

    There was a big number over the door of the building. The number was five. Before the Americans could go inside, their only English-speaking guard told them to memorize their simple address, in case they got lost in the big city. Their address was this: 'Schlachthof-fünf.' Schlachthof means slaughterhouse. Fünf was good old five.

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  • Author Bernhard Schlink
  • Quote

    Über ihr damaliges Gesicht haben sich in meiner Erinnerung ihre späteren Gesichter gelegt. Wenn ich sie vor meine Augen rufe, wie sie damals war, dann stellt sie sich ohne Gesicht ein. Ich muß es rekonstruieren. Hohe Stirn, hohe Backenknochen, blaßblaue Augen, volle, ohne Einbuchtung gleichmäßig geschwungene Lippen, kräftiges Kinn. Ein großflächiges, herbes, frauliches Gesicht. Ich weiß, daß ich es schön fand. Aber ich sehe seine Schönheit nicht vor mir.

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  • Author Mariko Nagai
  • Quote

    When the Germans surrendered with their arms raised high, holding a white flag, they weren't at all how i imagined them: hard, cruel, tall and monstrous with cigars chomped between their lips talking about how they wanted to shoot babies and old people. Instead they were boys like us, teenagers, tired, scared, dirty, and looking almost relieved that their was over, for now, that they can rest their bone-tired bodies in the POW camps.

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