37 Quotes About Globalisation
"Globalisation creates a world where causes are remote form effects, and the connections between them are often hidden or obscure."
"Mankind willfully changing the global electromagnetic radiation environment has created what I expect will become known as the man-made evolution era."
"Or could it be that there is something about globalisation itself that produces local culture, and promotes the constant formation of new forms of local identity, dress, cuisine, music, dance and language?"
"The inevitable result of any search for authenticity is that you always end up with something completely modern in intent, since the purpose of the performance lies in the present, not the past."
"From an anthropological perspective, identities are neither fixed nor inherent, but are created and reproduced continuously through social practice and in interaction with others."
"Relatedness - whether imagined or lived out face-to-face - is a social fact, and it is not limited to "kinship" as mapped in the traditional genealogical chart. It is precisely the term's flexibility that makes it so analytically useful."
"I find it very sad that by the time corporate science realizes the value of nature, that it may be too late"
"it isn’t just talent which is mobile today, the work itself is highly mobile too."
"Belonging, after all, is a particular kind of relation, one that arises amidst subjective experiences of mutual connection."