163 Quotes About Go
"It is not a person or situation that affects your life; it is the meaning you give to that person or situation, which influences your emotions and actions. Your choice is to change the meaning you gave it or to change your response, in order to create the outcome you want."
"Sometimes I hear people say people can’t dream and live well because that means others can’t. Not true. Some people’s dreams are another’s nightmare."
"Perfectionism is a disease. Procrastination is a disease. ACTION is the cure."
"Go and discover what you want, not because you feel like you deserved it. Go because you want it. Go where your heart desires."
"Stop chasing another busy self to become. Your real self is idle waiting to be lived... Go, take up your real self!"
"If you really want to eat, keep climbing. The fruits are on the top of the tree. Stretch your hands and keep stretching them. Success is on the top, keep going."
"The essential fascination of any exotic place is its people and culture."
"Have a positive mentality; think it's possible. You can build on something little.... you can create something little from nothing.... and this means you build on nothing! Get something to do!"