287 Quotes About God-s-will

  • Author Cindy McCormick Martinusen
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    Sometimes God's ways are mysterious.Sometimes He reveals them bit by bit over long periods of time.Then sometimes they're just plain bizarre, but immediately clear -- picture-perfect.

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  • Author J. Oswald Sanders
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    God has His own training methods, and it is usually true that His way up first leads down, for the mountain is only as high as the valley is deep.

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  • Author Henri Charrière
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    Sometimes God wills for one of his children to experience human wickedness so that he will emerge stronger and nobler than ever.

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  • Author Craig S. Keener
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    As a young Christian, I was praying fervently one day for guidance on a particular issue when I felt the Spirit gently interrupt. I was shocked to think I heard him suggest that I was too busy seeking his will. How could that be? Then I heard the rest of his suggestion. “Don’t seek my will in this matter. Seek me—and then you will know my will.” Seeking God’s will is important, but in this case my focus was wrong.

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  • Author Phil Mitchell
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    Being molded into something God wants you to be is such a moving force that your whole personality would change. Joy, peace, strength, compassion, the light, the road....all would touch your life like a moving orchestra. Breathing life into your soul.

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  • Author Henry T. Blackaby
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    If Christians around the world were to suddenly renounce their personal agendas, their life goals and their aspirations, and begin responding in radical obedience to everything God showed them. the world would be turned upside down. How do we know? Because that's what first century Christians did, and the world is still talking about it.

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  • Author Witness Lee
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    The will of God for us is that we know the all-inclusive Christ, experience Him, and live Him as our life. To know Christ in this way is to have the full knowledge of God's will.

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  • Author Jerry Bridges
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    God's guidance is almost always step-by-step; He does not show us our life's plan all at once. Sometimes our anxiousness to know the will of God comes from a desire to peer over God's shoulder to see what His plan is. What we need to do is learn to trust Him to guide us.

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