206 Quotes About Good-day


"Anyway, that was the last good day I had with Gus until the Last Good Day."


"The lonely reality of the truth-that the most important person in your life suddenly ceased to exist. Which on a bad day meant maybe she had never existed at all. And on a good day, there was the other fear. That even if you were a hundred percent sure she had been there, maybe you were the only one who cared or remembered."


"But if I wasn't playing, I would drink Saturdays, then Sunday, then Monday. Then I would try and train and it was no good, then have another drink just to pass the day away."


"Mondays are a good day to make statements, not Friday."


"At my age, any day above ground and vertical is a good day."


"Nothing good bursts forth all at once. The lightning may dart out of a black cloud; but the day sends his bright heralds before him, to prepare the world for his coming."


"I've had a good day when I don't fall out of the cart."


"A good day is one where I can not just read a book, but write a review of it. Maybe today I'll be able to do that. I get for some reason somewhat stronger when the sun starts to go down. Dusk is a good time for me. I'm crepuscular."


"Sometimes good days are not always fun, sometimes they are good because of how hard they were and gratifying for those reasons."
