206 Quotes About Good-day


"I get inspired by so many things every single day. Things I see every day, conversations, arguments, day to day occurrences, good days, bad days, loneliness, happiness, anger, anxiety, pressure, relationships......EVERYTHING."


"We have such a good time working together. It makes such a difference going to work every day for 14 hours and being able to hang out and have a good time."


"First of all, war is a very, very difficult thing to deal with, even on the good days."


"Teaching can be compared to selling commodities. No one can sell unless someone buys ... yet there are teachers who think they have done a good day's teaching irrespective of what the pupils have learned."


"While I still have more good days than bad days, I'm going to keep playing."


"Find peace in the morning rush and you will have a good day."


"Everyone gets their rough day. No one gets a free ride. Today so far, I had a good day. I got a dial tone."


"That's something I go through every day - you know - Am I good enough to act?"


"God was havin' himself a good day when he made boobs. He must've stepped back from Eve and said, Yes ma'am! Those'll work."
