299 Quotes About Greek
- Author Nikos Kazantzakis
Νιώθω πως έφυγε όλη μου η χαρά. Παραβάρυνε η ζωή, σήμερα η κάθε στιγμή που περνάει δεν μπορεί να μας χορτάσει μήτε με τη χαρά μήτε με τη θλίψη της.
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- Author Nikos Kazantzakis
Κοιτάζεις ένα άγαλμα της κλασικής εποχής και καταλαβαίνεις αμέσως αν ο άντρας που παριστάνει είναι λεύτερος ή δούλος, το σώμα του τον φανερώνει." "Αρμονία νου και κορμιού, ιδού το υψηλό ιδανικό του Έλληνα.
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- Author Clearchus
As children, learn good manners.As young men, learn to control the passions.In middle age, be just.In old age, give good advice.Then die, without regret.
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- Author Robert Kaplan
If you favor the explanation that the 'O' was devised by the Greeks without reference to their alphabet, its arbitrariness is lessened by noticing how often nature supplies us with circular hollows: from an open mouth to the faintly outlined dark of the moon; from craters to wounds. 'Skulls and seeds and all good things are round,' wrote Nabokov.
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- Author Petrarch
Your Homer is here with me; mute or rather in fact deaf am I, in front of him. But I am happy to gaze upon him and often hug him and, sighing, say, 'Great man, how I would love to hear you!
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- Author Οδυσσέας Ελύτης
Και πολύ τρομάξανε τα παιδιά, και οι άνθρωποι με το μολύβι στην όψη και το άχερο στα μαλλιά και τα κοντά μαύρα ποδήματα κέρωσαν. Επειδή πήγανε κι ήρθανε γύρω τα χαμόσπιτα, και σε πολλές μεριές το πισσόχαρτο έπεσε και φανήκανε μακριά, πίσω απ’ τον ήλιο, οι γυναίκες να κλαίνε γονατιστές, πάνω σ’ ένα έρμο οικόπεδο, γεμάτο τσουκνίδες και μαύρα πηχτά αίματα. Ενώ σήμαινε δώδεκα ακριβώς το μεγάλο ρολόι των αγγέλων.
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- Author Monaristw
If you're looking to solve the impossible, ask a Greek.
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- Author Hesiod
Plan harm for another and harm yourself most, The evil we hatch always comes home to roost.
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- Author Oswald Spengler
What the Greek called Kosmos was the image of a world that is not continuous but complete. Inevitably, then, the Greek man himself was not a series but a term.What his philosophers occasionally told him on the subject they had heard, not experienced, and what a few brilliant minds in the Asiatic-Greek cities (such as Hipparchus and Aristarchus) discovered was rejected alike by the Stoic and by the Aristotelian, and outside a small professional circle not even noticed.
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