494 Quotes About Grieving

  • Author Meša Selimović
  • Quote

    Samo si mene imao, osim onih grobova kod kuće, sad više nikog nemamo ni ti ni ja, ti si mene izgubio prije nego ja tebe, ili možda nisi, možda si mislio da stojim pred ovom okovanom kapijom, kao što bi ti stajao zbog mene, možda si se do posljednjeg časa nadao da ću ti pomoći, i kamo sreće da si mi toliko vjerovao, ne bi te uhvatio strah od konačne samoće, kad nas svi napuste. A ako si sve znao, neka mi Bog pomogne.

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  • Author Bernard Taylor
  • Quote

    Thoughts, pictures of him would come to me just a second after waking, shocking me from the forgetfulness of sleep, striking blows that were almost physical. And even in sleep I was not completely free. So often sleep brought dreams of him.

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  • Author Kiran Manral
  • Quote

    How did other women come to terms with losing a husband? Did they pick up the pieces of their shattered selves and gluethem back together, sealing the joints with metal to prevent them from falling apart again at the slightest whiff of remembrance, motes of a residual ghost perfume, familiar and overwhelmingin a just-vacated elevator, a familiar stretch of shoulder and head in a distance, in a crowd, snatches of a song that had beenplaying when….

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  • Author Brooke Fossey
  • Quote

    ...you had to look loss in the eye, and if you were going to survive it, you had to believe that there were two different parts of every person: the stuff that ended up in the ground, and the stuff that didn't.

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