141 Quotes About Growing-old


"... there is no quicker way of growing old than undue indulgence in regular habits. Indeed it seems probable that the reason why so many people die sooner than they should is because they have organised their lives in such a way that there is nothing left for them to do. Change, as is well-known, is not only a law of Nature, but the very breath of existence. And if you rule change out of your life there no longer seems any reason why you should continue altogether."


"Adulthood is a wonderful thing and brief. You must be sure to enjoy it while it lasts. I believe the soul in Paradise must enjoy something nearer to a perpetual vigorous adulthood than to any other state we know."


"What’s getting old like? Burden of thoughts rest deeply, Shadows start to bend."


"With time-lashed features, the aged stoop to bow out of life."


"PartingOne is strong, a child now grownThe other weak, a parent aged-The strong once feebleThe weak once mighty-Time, the infinityhas marked them..."


"I'd prefer to die in Texas when I'm old. They say most good things end the same way they started, and that's where I entered the world, so that's how I'll leave it. "


"Wrinkles ? Why all the fuss ? Think of them as lines of distinction; marks of maturity."


"Death doesn’t like the old. Their acrid smell, their tough skin, their gaze worn out from used-up dreams, their beaten-dog spines… Death hates that! Whatever else you can say about Death, it likes them young. Death is a dirty old man."


"When someone says they feel old, I always want to ask them why they feel old. Time passes for everyone. No one is exempt."
