913 Quotes About Guru
- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
7 Laws of Money1. Seek money.2. Make money.3. Save money.4. Spend money.5. Enjoy money.6. Share money.7. Respect money.
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- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
You are no greater than the friends you keep, the books you read, the heroes you admire, and the obstacles you overcome.
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- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
Anger has great strength,but no brains.Greed has many hands,but no heart.Fear has many titles,but no honor.Hatred has many forms,but no soul.Desire has great strength,but no brains.Agony has many hands,but no heart.Shame has many titles,but no honor.Ego has many forms,but no soul.Envy has great strength,but no brains.Malice has many hands,but no heart.Lust has many titles,but no honor.Evil has many forms,but no soul.
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- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
Don’t waste days,for they become weeks.Don’t waste weeks,for they become months.Don’t waste months,for they become years;and don’t waste years,for they become a lifetime. Utilize days,for they are your wealth.Utilize weeks,for they are your reward.Utilize months,for they are your blessing,and utilize years,for they are your legacy.
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- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
The mind is the key, the heart is the door, the soul is the corridor,the divine is the destination.The past is the key, the present is the door, the future is the corridor,the hereafter is the destination.The world is the key, the sky is the door, the cosmos is the corridor,the universe is the destination.
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- Author Bert McCoy
Find your mirror and take great notes.
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- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
Intellect knows.Sympathy feels.Compassion understands.Wisdom knows. Joy feels.Love understands.Awareness knows. Consciousness feels. Experience understands.The mind knows. The heart feels.The soul understands.Nature knows.Mankind feels. The universe understands.
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- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
Truth is straight.Ignorance is narrow.Knowledge is wide.Wisdom is high.Contentment is straight.Lust is narrow.Peace is wide.Joy is high.Humility is straight.Ego is narrow.Grace is wide.Meekness is high.Faith is straight.Envy is narrow.Hope is wide.Love is high.
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- Author Matshona Dhliwayo
Needs crawls.Want walks.Desire runs.Lust sprints.Love soars.Peace crawls.Pleasure walks.Excitement runs.Happiness sprints.Joy soars.Doubt crawls.Expectation walks.Hope runs.Courage sprints.Faith soars.Skill crawls.Talent walks.Excellence runs.Brilliance sprints.Genius soars.Intelligence crawls.Insight walks.Understanding runs.Wisdom sprints.Enlightenment soars.
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