124 Quotes About Hades
- Author Rick Riordan
This is not a baby," Hades noticed. "I think it's a rock."He was observant that way.
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- Author Rick Riordan
Ever had one of those dreams where you wake up startled because you felt like you were falling? That's the oneiroi messing with you. They probably picked you up and dropped you, just to be mean. Next time it happens, smack your fist on the floor and yell, "Hades, tell you stupid daimons to knock it out!
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- Author Scarlett St. Clairt
They are just that-words. Words are used to spin stories and craft lies, and occasionally they are strung together to tell the truth.
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- Author Cynthia Barnett
For the first half-billion years, Earth was a molten inferno some 8,000 degrees Celsius—hotter than today's sun. Scientists call this violent era the Hadean, from the Greek word Hades, or hell. Time and again, the young Earth built up a crust, only to see it incinerated by storms of flaming meteors.
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- Author Anne Carson
what song of death, what dance of Hades shall I do?
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- Author Joshua Khan
Life must be bad if my only friend is a giant bat.
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- Author Roger Zelazny
It is said that the dead forget the dead in the house of Hades, Cassandra, but I hoped it was not so.
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- Author Sarah Diemer
If you‟ll let me be, Persephone, I will be even better.
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- Author H. Melvin James
A match made by angels in Heaven but wrecked by demons in Hades. "Tares among the Wheat" – H. Melvin James, c. 2019
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