53 Quotes About Haiti
"Comme toutes les sociétés humaines, le peuple haïtien a ses qualités et ses défauts. Ce n'est faire ni une oeuvre juste ni une oeuvre saine que d'insister continuellement sur ses défauts, sans mettre en relief ses qualités, qui ne sont pas moins réelles et qui ne contribuent pas moins à composer sa véritable physionomie."
"The slopes to treachery from the dizzy heights of revolutionary leadership are always so steep and slippery that leaders, however well intentioned, can never build their fences too high"
"If we don't counterbalance our blows with blessings, we will become closed and cynical about life. Then we are really kidnapped and enslaved, inside, where no one can get us."
"It's a marriage of convenience. Temporarily, so long as our interests coincide, however long it takes to dispose of that mob of petit blancs at Port-au-Prince. Afterward,' he waved his sticky fingers airily, 'everything will return to the way it was before."
"Conosco un paese che ha provocato ben due guerre mondiali in un secolo e ha proposto una «soluzione finale», e nessuno lo ha mai definito maledetto. Conosco un paese insensibile alla disperazione umana, che continua a ridurre alla fame l'intero pianeta forte del suo strapotere finanziario, e nessuno lo definisce maledetto. Anzi, si presenta al mondo come il popolo benedetto dagli dèi, o meglio da Dio. Allora perché mai Haiti dovrebbe essere maledetta?"
"This is not the right moment to leave. It is the moment to stay, to help Haiti go through this transition."
"Our promise to Don is to do our utmost to keep For Haiti With Love rolling in his honor."