103 Quotes About Hamlet
- Author Shakespeare
Fais-le-moi vite connaître, pour qu'avec des ailes rapides comme l'idée ou les pensées de l'amour, je vole à la vengeance ! (Hamlet, Acte I, Scène V)
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- Author Ivo Brešan
Najprije je bija jedan kralj. Dobar kralj, napredan, socijalistički orijentiran. Dušu bi da za radni narod i sirotinju. I taj je kralj, drugovi, ima brata koji je bija niko i ništa, neprijatelj naroda, ljuta reakcija.
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- Author Richard Baxter
If and worms'-meat must have such respect, think, then, what reverence thou shouldst approach thy Maker (569).
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- Author Richard Baxter
what a silly, frail, and forward pieces are the best of men (647)!
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- Author Shakespeare
Perfume de un momento nada más.
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- Author Shakespeare
Huye siempre de mezclarte en disputas; pero una vez metido en ellas, obra de manera que tu contrario huya de ti.
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- Author Shakespeare
Si a los hombres se les hubiese juzgado según merecen, ¿quién se escaparía de ser azotado?
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- Author Shakespeare
Morir es dormir... y tal vez soñar.
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- Author Maryrose Wood
I will have the children read Hamlet as soon as it is practical. There are some useful cautions against eavesdropping to be gleaned from that.
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