103 Quotes About Hamlet
- Author Thomas Henry Huxley
In fact a favourite problem of [John Tyndall] is—Given the molecular forces in a mutton chop, deduce Hamlet or Faust therefrom. He is confident that the Physics of the Future will solve this easily.
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- Author Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
But there’s a reason we recognize Hamlet as a masterpiece: it’s that Shakespeare told us the truth, and people so rarely tell us the truth in this rise and fall here [indicates blackboard]. The truth is, we know so little about life, we don’t really know what the good news is and what the bad news is.And if I die—God forbid—I would like to go to heaven to ask somebody in charge up there, “Hey, what was the good news and what was the bad news?
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- Author Thomas C. Foster
If a story is no good, being based on Hamlet won't save it.
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- Author Stephen King
Danny strolled to the town common, sat on one of the benches in Teenytown and took one of the bottles out of the bag, looking down on it like Hamlet with Yorick's skull
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- Author Patricia Briggs
This place looks like the last scene in Hamlet.
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- Author Vishal Bharadwaj - Haider Film
Shaq pe hai yaqeen unko,Yaqeen pe hai shaq Mujhy..........Kis ka jhoot jhoot hai,Kis ke sach main sach nahi,Hai ke hai nahi,Bas yehi sawaal hai,Aur sawaal ka jawaab bhi, Sawaal hai..........Dil ki gar sunoon to hai,Dimaag ki to hai nahi,Jaan loon ke jaan doon,Main rahoon ke main nahi!!
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- Author Elizabeth Jane Howard
Ich meine nur, dass man über fast alles hinwegkommt. Das ist eines der Dinge, die einfach erstaunlich sind. Das ist auch der Grund, weswegen Leute wie Hamlet so wahnsinnige Angst vor der Hölle hatten. Dass es nicht aufhört, und deswegen glaube ich persönlich auch nicht daran. Ich glaube, solange man lebt, verändert sich alles, und wenn man tot ist, hört es einfach auf.
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- Author Hanif Kureishi
Act – make an event. Smash the coordinates and see where the smithereens fly. Let in the madness, and be sure to be a danger to oneself and others. Too much thinking turns you into that fool Hamlet.
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- Author Deborah Meyler
That thing that Hamlet says - "there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so". Not quite true if you are stuck under a grand piano, not quite true for genocide, but surely it must be true about love?
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