103 Quotes About Hamlet

  • Author Tom Stoppard
  • Quote

    Let me get it straight. Your father was king. You were his only son. Your father dies. You are of age. Your uncle becomes king.""Yes.""Unorthodox.

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  • Author Rainbow Rowell
  • Quote

    You're going to forget everything I teach you,' Mr Stressman said, petting his mustache. 'Everything. Maybe you'll remember that Beowulf fought a monster. Maybe you'll remember that "To be or not to be" is Hamlet, not Macbeth... But everything else? Forget about it.

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  • Author Shakespeare
  • Quote

    Who would fardels bear, To groan and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus, conscience does make cowards of us all;

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