61 Quotes About Harassment

  • Author Kailin Gow
  • Quote

    Social media is a great thing, especially Twitter. They record all the threats, incriminating evidence, and fake news cyberbullies and their gangs put out there to harass an individual. It's out in public. It's traceable. And it's all for law enforcement to see. The act of harassing an individual online through "cybergangs" is a worse crime than what they are posting about that individual. - Strong by Kailin Gow about Social Media's Role in Aiding Law Enforcement Against Crime

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  • Author Kris Rafferty
  • Quote

    You can be the person who puts the 'kick me' sign on the back, or be the person that watches it happen and does nothing, or you can be the person who takes the sign off.That's it. Every day, every moment of your life, you're making this choice. Life doesn't stop for it, challenges don't make way for it, the choice is there and you own it. Welcome to adulting.

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  • Author Jonathan Rauch
  • Quote

    Sixth, fundamentalism, properly understood, is not about religion. It is about the inability to seriously entertain the possibility that one might be wrong. In individuals such fundamentalism is natural and, within reason, desirable. But when it becomes the foundation for an intellectual system, it is inherently a threat to freedom of thought.

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