102 Quotes About He
- Author RJ Arkhipov
For a long moment we didn't move. We just stared at each other. So much time had passed since our eyes last met. So much had changed. I turned away and pressed my head to the cold window pane. I traced my initials onto the misted glass and, as they began to fade, He reached out his fingers and retraced my signature. I watched it fade once more and felt his moist fingers brush against my lips. He let them linger there a moment, then replaced them with his own lips. Then I woke up.
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- Author Natsume Sōseki
Сенсей не належав ні до тих, що люблять увесь світ, ні до тих, що ненавидять усе на світі, до того ж це була людина, яка нізащо не прийме в розкриті обійми того, хто шукає стежки до її душі. Таким був Сенсей.
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- Author J.R.R. Tolkien
Boromir was a valiant member of our Company,' said Frodo at length. 'Yes, I was his friend, for my part
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