102 Quotes About He
- Author Nutan Bajracharya
In this world it is not possible that everyone will follow your steps. You can't change some one and some one will not change their lifestyle because of you.
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- Author Christina Engela
The Doktor was an old man. When he was a kid, his Dad bought him a chemistry set. He never played with silly putty like the other kids. The first time he lost his eyebrows he was only five.
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- Author Christina Engela
Cautiously, he moved further out, checking the roofs, doors, windows. Nothing. He walked out further, keeping against the wooden wall of a building, just in case. His heart was pounding in his ears. Strange, isn’t it? You could be in hundreds of fights, but everyone always seemed like the first time. A million different things could happen, go completely wrong. Then it might well be his last. Where is he? Which building?
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- Author Christina Engela
An idea was forming in his mind. It was only rudimentary, but in the circumstances, it could be called a plan. He loathed the alien for attacking them, without any provocation. He hated the way it was smashing up his ship – and all of them – with hardly any effort or regard for life at all. “How’s that message coming?”“Umm – they must be jamming us, sir – I can’t get through.
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- Author Evinda Lepins
The only one who can make two wrongs equal a right, is He who works all things together!" HS/el
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- Author Christina Engela
Mykl d’Angelo groaned where he sat slumped in his chair. The irritating noise was unsettling his pet dog lying on his lap. The wickerwork garden chair creaked pleasantly under him and some native Earth birds made pleasant sounds above while the cool wind wafted over him as he lazily …
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- Author Tanya Gambhir
What's the deal? Why can't he lookinto my eyes when I have words of appreciation lined up for him.Has he simply forgotten how he feels?all his emotions plunged into oblivion.or he is so full to talk about it.He won't confide in mewhich I understand is his choice.I really wish to butI can barely get under his skin.But what I know about him ishe feels very sad andhe has honest eyes.And every broken heart should have a place in this world.He has a place in my heart~
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- Author Sunday Adelaja
If he is a God of justice, people must see his justice on earth
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- Author Christina Engela
Swearing, d’Angelo entered the elevator. Fortunately, that was also still in order. When he got to the bridge, everything looked pretty ordinary – except for the third body of the day, which was lying spread-eagled on the deck with an almost comical look of surprise on his face. Jang was dead, although d’Angelo couldn’t see the cause, but then, he was no doctor. He sighed dismally. Now he hadn’t a navigator either. Or a crew for that matter.
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