45 Quotes About Headache


"Situating oneself in a spot of bother is not the coolest idea neither is gulping down pain reliever for another’s headache a feather in your cap."


"I am determined to have the headache Thursday, if I have to hit myself with a rock to do it."


"Every single ounce of pain focused on the left part of the head. Feels like whole body except left part of head is in fucking numb state."


"When Quoyle leaned forward the twin spears of the headache threatened to dislodge his eyes."


"Presiding over the entire attack there will be, in du Bois Reymond's words, "a general feeling of disorder," which may be experienced in either physical or emotional terms, and tax or elude the patient's powers of description."


"A giant wields a rusty saw. He gloats and hums as he works, slicing through my forehead and into the mind behind it."


"One gets ‘headaches’, because he gives headache to others."


"The only cure for a headache is a hangover."


"Her head felt like elephants were doing the merengue on her cerebellum."
