141 Quotes About Heaven-and-hell
- Author Austin O'Malley
If you keep your eyes so fixed on heaven that you never look at the earth, you will stumble into hell.
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- Author Elif Shafak
Адът е тук и сега. Раят също. Престани да се плашиш от ада и да мечтаеш за рая, защото и едното, и другото е заложено в настоящия миг. Всеки път, когато се влюбим, се въздигаме в рая. Всеки път, когато мразим, завиждаме или се опълчваме срещу някого, падаме право в адския огън.
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- Author A.D. Aliwat
Heaven, hell, purgatory: they’re not just for the dead, they are very much a part of living. The three primary modes of life—winning, losing, and waiting. Everything else we do falls on the spectrum between these three big ones.
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- Author Johnnie Dent Jr.
Heaven and hell takes all kinds
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- Author Mwanandeke Kindembo
Before Adam there were Heaven and Hell. Sin or no sin, the devil was destined to go in hell no matter how hard he tried to believe in God.
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- Author Xayaat Muhummed
but if you’re righteous,you shall be grantedw/faces radiant like hidden pearls succulent fruit for you,gushing water&wine to indulge thereinhigh couches reclining presidents alongside peasants
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- Author Stewart Stafford
An airport is a place where you go through hell to reach your alleged paradise.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
There is neither a Heaven nor a Hell. Life after Death is an oxymoron. Life is just another word for existence, and Death is just another word for non-existence.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
There is neither a Heaven for a Hell. Life after Death is an oxymoron. Life is just another word for existence, and Death is just another word for non-existence.
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