63 Quotes About Hegel
- Author Schopenhauer
Schopenhauer on Hegel: "A flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan.
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- Author Alan White
In claiming to have exhausted the dialectically structured categorial realm, Hegel claims to have completed philosophy. In fact, however, he has completed at best only first philosophy; his system represents at most the highest theoretical knowledge, that which grounds further inquiry. Grounding such inquiry is however quite different from completing it. In complete metaphysics, Hegel provides philosophical anthropology with the point from which it can begin.
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- Author Alan White
Despite Schelling’s aspirations and claims, he was instrumental not in the completion of metaphysics, but rather in its abandonment.
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- Author Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Beauty and art, no doubt, pervade all business of life like a kindly genius, and form the bright adornment of all our surroundings, both mental and material, soothing the sadness of our condition and the embarrassments of real life, killing time in entertaining fashion, and where there’s nothing to be achieved, occupying the place of what is vicious, better, at any rate, than vice.
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- Author Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
When a father inquired about the best method of educating his son in ethical conduct, a Pythagorean replied: "Make him a citizen of a state with good laws
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- Author HEGEL
Die Wahrheit des Seins ist Wesen
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- Author René Girard
La dialettica hegeliana si fondava sul coraggio fisico: colui che non ha paura sarà il padrone, colui che ha paura sarà lo schiavo. La dialettica romanzesca si fonda sull'ipocrisia: la violenza, lungi dal servire gli interessi di colui che la esercita, rivela l'intensità del suo desiderio; è dunque un segno di schiavitù.
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- Author George Santayana
He described what he knew best or had heard most, and felt he had described the universe. (on Hegel)
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- Author Arturo Uslar Pietri
―¿Qué has venido a buscar tú aquí?―La paz.―¿Estás seguro?―Sí, es lo que más me importa.―¿Y la has hallado?―No.―¿Cómo la podrías hallar? Donde hay vida no hay paz. Donde hay conciencia no hay paz. La contradicción y la pugna está en ti. ¿Cómo podrías hallar la paz? Solamente en la muerte, y quizás. Todo combate dentro de nosotros y todo combate con nosotros. Tendrías que dejar de ser hombre.
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