469 Quotes About High-school

  • Author Claire Fullerton
  • Quote

    I know now, since I'm well into my adulthood, that there's a side to the unions made in high school that has perpetual resonance, a side that remains in arrested development that will never let you forget who you essentially are.

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  • Author Jill Telford
  • Quote

    The ideas of beawolf ain’t gonna go nowhere.” <—My first complete sentence to an MLA style paper about Beowulf. My English teachers in high school changed and edited my trajectory with my writing and with . . . my life. Writing is a process like life. We’re all in a process of becoming. Remember that. Make mistakes and keep your voice. And, take the guidance along the way.

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  • Author Julian Winters
  • Quote

    High school is just like the night sky. It's beautiful. Some moments, you're just in awe of it. But it's dark and endless, which can be scary, too. When the stars fall away, what's left?... The sun... Darkness goes away, but the sun shows up and you start over again. So let high school happen, and eventually, you light up the rest of your life. Burn as bright as you want. The wonderful thing about the sun is, it's always there. People don't have to see you to believe you'll be there.

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