589 Quotes About Hinduism

  • Author Vikram Chandra
  • Quote

    Ask him why there are hypocrites in the world.''Because it is hard to bear the happiness of others.''When are we happy?''When we desire nothing and realize that possession is only momentary, and so are forever playing.''What is regret?''To realize that one has spent one's life worrying about the future.''What is sorrow?''To long for the past.''What is the highest pleasure?''To hear a good story.

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  • Author Shunya
  • Quote

    If you see horrible dreams, you have two completely opposite personalities. Maybe there is a medieval fighter inside you who is all about money, sex and food. And a priest inside you who considers all of this a sin. Don't favour one personality over the other. Find middle path. There is a path for everyone.

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  • Author Shunya
  • Quote

    Tea made for one person has rare herbs in it. Tea made for a group has lots of sugar in it. Those who go alone on spiritual journey get the rare treasure of knowledge. Those who join a group just sing sweet glories of ancient knowledge, instead of getting the actual knowledge.

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