57 Quotes About Hiring


"We can never fall short when it comes to recruiting, hiring, maintaining and growing our workforce. It is the employees who make our organization’s success a reality."


"Don't hire anyone you wouldn't want to run into in the hallway at three in the morning."


"If you make a hiring mistake, make the change quickly. Don’t ignore problems. Don’t assume it will get better."


"I’m a firm believer that most people who do great things are doing them for the first time. Returning to my theory of hiring, I’d rather have someone all fired up to do something for the first time than someone who’s done it before and isn’t that excited to do it again. You rarely go wrong giving someone who is high potential the shot."


"If you are serious about having a virtual company with excellent culture, you must have the discipline to develop a hiring process that screens for culture matches and for the attributes of successful virtual workers. You can’t just hire for skills—that never translates to great culture."


"Cohler advertised for summer interns, then sometimes told promising applicants when they came for an interview that Thefacebook was only hiring full-timers."


"If: You are 100x better at marketing than accounting...Then: Focus on marketing, and hire someone else to do your accounting.What do you need to stop doing yourself, and outsource to someone else?"


"You hire the best people you can possibly find. Then it's up to you to create an environment where great people decide to stay and invest their time."


"You may be thinking that your company has a human resources person who will keep you out of trouble. This is a dangerous misconception. Whether your company has a massive Human Resources Department with hundreds of representatives or a small office with just a single representative, these HR reps are not your advocates. They work for the company, not for you."
