44 Quotes About Hispanic


"One time, a 16-year-old member of Vicente’s group risked his safety trying to save a captive Texas girl, who had been seized by Comanches while taking clothes to wash at a stream near her house."


"The either/or proposition that forces you to choose between your community and, say, your country has never been true. The very skills we learn to cross borders within ourselves help us to cross borders toward others outside our community."


"I am in between. Trying to write to be understood by those who matter to me, yet also trying to push my mind with ideas beyond the everyday. It is another borderland I inhabit. Not quite here nor there. On good days I feel I am a bridge. On bad days I just feel alone."


"Black is not evil.White is not trash.Brown is not illegal.Muslims don’t crash."


"Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero.Es tan corto el amor y es tan largo el olvido.Porque en noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos,mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.Aunque éste sea el último dolor que ella me causa,y éstos sean los últimos versos que yo le escribo."


"Unless US citizens acknowledge and understand their country's imperial past, they will not be able to understand its present or future. Much of the recent and current Hispanic resettlement of parts of the United States is a consequence of empire.... Countercolonization follows colonization, and the waves of migrants always flow back like returning tides."


"At Harvard, the strong and savvy and confident thrived, while the nice or shy or quaintly moral were just bit players. In Ysleta, you believed in God because you were poor and needed something to hold on to. At Harvard, you believed in your good luck or bad luck, in all-nighters, in your political savvy."


"Cuando la Madre Naturaleza habla, incluso los Dioses guardan silencio."
